and I'll be your friend.
I'll help you carry on.
For, it won't be long
till I'm going to need
Somebody to lean on."
--Bill Withers, "Lean on Me."
I was running with my sister the other day as we visited our parents in Wisconsin, and we were talking about friendship. I should interject that I LOVE running with my sister. It is something I never even thought to hope for.
My sister has always been very good at maintaining a network of friends. As long as I can remember, she's had a group, a gang, a posse. She's always had at least two gay male advisors. At times when I was younger, I was envious. But over the years I think I've learned a lot from her.
"To have a friend, you have to be a friend," she said on Sunday as we ran. I thought I knew what that meant when I was a kid--always trying to make other people happy, trying never to be a burden. "And you have to let them know you aren't perfect all the time, too."
Oh, the wisdom of my older sister. I am so lucky to have her.

The context of our converstaion was different from a situation I am facing right now, but completely relatable.
I think I am in the process of losing an old friend.
The sad part is that neither one of us has been a good friend to each other in the past year. I acknowledged my part of it, and I asked forgiveness. She did neither. There's not much else I can do or say to salvage this relationship if she wants out.
So. What will I do?
I will try to show each and every person who I am blessed to have in my life how much they mean to me. I will make plans to see them, support them in their passions, and be there when they need me. I will lean on them when I'm in need. I will show them my love and gratitude for being in my life.
I will be grateful that I learned how to be a friend.
Dedicated to: Emily, Erin, Marni, Ashley, Christina, Stef, Steph, Heather, Annie, Ann, Mandi, Kris, Ben, Christy, Nan...
And even the friend I think I'm losing. You know who you are, and I will always love you.
Some other photos from the trip:
Me, after getting my butt kicked by giant men on wicked hills:

Burying Ben in the sand! Nice work, Papa Dan:

Pontoon Boat Ride Family Fun

Tossing the kid in the lake!