Monday, May 17, 2010

Original Thoughts

"Alone and bored on a thirtieth century night.
Will I see you on the Price is Right?
Will I cry, will I smile,
As you run, down the aisle?"

--Barenaked Ladies, "It's All Been Done."

I've tried blogging before, and I flopped. I took down my my first blog because I was in the middle of a divorce, and I didn't feel comfortable publishing personal thoughts at the time. I then attempted a more political, public blog, where I ranted briefly about the government and elections, but I lost steam after 3 posts.

Frankly, I don't consider myself a writer. If I could write anything, I would write songs. Oh, how I would write songs! I would write amazing, catchy tunes, and everyone would learn all the lyrics and sing along with me at my sold-out stadium shows. I certainly have tried my hand at writing songs, and I probably have one that's semi-decent and another half-finished song that could be something if I knew how to play the guitar better to finish off the chord progressions. But, no dice (yet).

Any time I've tried to write something more than just a diary entry and more than just a rant on Republicans, I've had this nagging thought that anything worth reading has already been written. I've surmised that, anything that I think I want to say about love, or life, or happiness, with enough research, one could find it already written and with better prose than I could construct. Hell, every good song has already been written. Every good story has already been told.

Or has it?

Without delving too deeply into my life story in my first substantive post, and all the tragicomedy therein, I will confess a recurring struggle with self-worth. (And there's a story that has been told a million times over by women across the globe). We can dissect it and psychoanalyze it for hours, but I paid a wonderful woman a lot of money to do that for me for several years, and it's not necessary to do it again.

Indeed, that wonderful woman would likely applaud my realization that, hey:

I have a voice here.

I have something to say, and it hasn't been said before.

So, no apologies, no explanations. I'm blogging now. And I'm going to publish it.

Right..... now.

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